Home Services

Animal Droppings/Feces Removal

Your animal is gone, but what about the droppings left behind? Many animals will have used a single spot in or around your home as a latrine, which can lead to health hazards, stains, and unnecessary odors. Fill our contact form to get more information on solving your animal problems.

Attic Restoration/Insulation

Let our attic restoration professionals remove that soiled/ineffective insulation with new insulation. We have the equipment necessary to remove damaged and contaminated insulation. Our specialists can also prepare quotes for most major insurance companies and get your attic back in shape in no time. A property insulated attic will pay for itself in energy savings, so be sure to ask about any available energy tax credits. Attics are one of the easiest places in a house to insulate, especially if you’d like to “cap” your existing attic insulation. 

Bees, Wasps, Hornets

There are a wide variety of stinging insects – some dangerous, some beneficial. We control bees, wasps, hornets, etc.

  • Africanized “killer” bees looks so much like a regular honeybee that the only way to tell the two apart is by measuring their bodies. Africanized bees have different wing measurements than honeybees.
  • Bumble bees are beneficial insects because they pollinate crops and plants.
  • Carpenter bees look like typical bumblebees but often lack yellow stripes. They are solitary bees.
  • Cicada killers are not aggressive but can sting. Their size usually scares people. Their activity is most visible in the spring of the year after the larvae develop and emerge from the nest they can be found in gardens feeding on pollen.
  • Honey bees are social insects found all over the world. They are an extremely important beneficial insect because of their role in pollination. Honey bees pollinate more than 100 crops in the U.S. Honey bee hive removal can be very complicated if in the walls.
  • Hornets and wasps are insects feared by most people. Many people die every year as a result of being stung AND having severe allergic reactions to that sting. Wasps and hornets can be very aggressive. They live in colonies and are generally brightly colored, fairly large insects. One wasp can sting several times in an attack. It is important to avoid them and to be able to identify which one you may have. They nest in many locations in the ground, in trees and tree holes, and inside or on buildings.
  • Mud daubers are solitary wasps making a variety of different type nests. They use mud to make nests and supply food usually spiders to the developing larvae.
  • Yellow jackets are generally black and yellow in color and 1 1/2 inches long. Their nests may become very large with hundreds to even thousands of individuals living in holes in the ground, walls, etc.

Caulk & Sealing

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) service practices to prevent pests must include the sealing of all cracks and crevices with the appropriate materials, which also helps save energy. Inspections and monitoring for pests and conditions is conducted in order to identify problem areas and prevent small pest infestations from becoming large ones.

Carcass/Dead Animal Removal

Dead animals leave a horrendous smell, and the carcass can lead to health hazards, insect infestations, stains and lingering odors. After removing the animal(s), we have special deodorizers, neutralizers and air purifiers to make that nasty smell go away.

Chimney Cap and Screen Installation

Critter Control offers a wide range of animal prevention products and services. After the removal of unwanted animals, we repair damage and implement state-of-the-art prevention techniques. Screening vents, installing chimney caps/screens, and closing entry holes reduce the opportunity for future conflicts with other unwanted nuisance animals.

Insulation Installation/Removal

Let our attic restoration professional remove that soiled/ineffective insulation with new insulation. We have the equipment necessary to remove damaged and contaminated insulation. Our specialists can also prepare quotes for most major insurance companies and get your attic back in shape in no time. A property insulated attic will pay for itself in energy savings, and be sure to ask about any available energy tax credits. The correct amount of insulation in your attic will help reduce your energy bills. Attics are one of the easiest places in a house to insulate, especially if you’d like to “cap” your existing attic insulation (add insulation to what you already have).

Odor Control/Remediation

Animals can leave lingering odors. After removing the animal(s), we have special deodorizers, neutralizers and air purifiers to make that nasty smell go away.

Roof Repairs/Roof Vent Guards

Let us keep unwanted critters out of your attics by placing Roof Vent Guards over existing roof vents. These roof vent guards are durable and will keep birds, bats, or squirrels from entering your home and causing damage. 

Soffit/Attic/Louvre/Fan Vent Repairs/Installation

Let us keep unwanted critters out of your attics by installing animal-proof screens in/over existing vents. These roof vent guards are durable and will keep birds, bats, or squirrels from entering your home and causing damage.